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I'm directing this little blog to all aspiring authors who need to see their book in print.

Self-publishing is a legitimate way - perhaps the only way - to get your book published.

And your book will be indistinguishable from one bought from a book store or purchased online. That's because the production processes used for high volume book printing are now available for short run books.

Unless you have a famous name or have already published successfully, traditional publishing houses will probably not even read your manuscript. Sad, but true!

The advantages of self-publishing

You retain copyright.

You decide on the run length and therefore:

You decide the upfront costs

You decide on how much to spend on marketing

You decide the format of your book

You retain the profits

The disadvantages of self-publishing

You will have do a lot of the work (we can help)

There is a lot of work to do (less if you consult with us early)

Marketing is hard (but not as hard as getting accepted)

There is a lot to learn (but you can do it)

The solution is to engage with Documents On Call

We have been printing books for self-publishers for more than two decades. We understand the business and we understand you. And all work is produced in-house under our (and your) control.

Our printing and binding equipment are smaller versions of the monster machines contracted by the large publishing houses.

That is why your book will look just like a bought one!

What should you do now?

Talk to us as early as you can - before you finish writing and editing. Proper planning will save you money and in the long run and you will have a better book.

You will need a great cover design. Your audience may not judge your book by its cover but they will decide to buy or not buy based on their reaction to your cover.

We can put you in contact with book cover designers if you wish.

You will need an editor and proof reader. I know, editors and proof readers are not fashionable, but there is a reason publishing houses use them. They will make your book look more professional.

So click on the link below and send us your details. We will arrange an appointment here to start the ball rolling.

You can even have a factory tour to see books being produced.

There is absolutely no cost and no obligation to proceed.

And we can keep secrets so your plot lines are safe with us!

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